GRP Grating Manufacturer

In many segments, Glass fiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) is being used on an ever greater scale.

GRP appears to have a great many advantages and is convenient for its users.


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GRP is 70% lighter than steel and has an exceptional strength to weight ratio.

GRP is corrosion-resistant and requires hardly any maintenance in comparison with traditional materials, such as steel and wood.

GRP is a non-conducting and anti-slip material, which makes it a safe alternative.




Durable GRP grating

Fiberstruct GRP gratings have a long life cycle, which makes it an increasingly common and cheaper alternative. The accompanying video shows how a twist-lock that is often used in logistics springs back on a GRP grating.





JOB ALERT | Assistant to Project leader Are you technical orientated en looking for a new job as an Assistant to the Project Leader? Would you like to work at Europeans largest producer of GRP gratings an constructions? This might be the job you are looking for. Fiberstruct is looking for an Assistant to projects in our office in Straszke, Slovakia.
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